Aquaman as a Woman by Buddhaful
I stumbled across this Deviant Art gallery while searching for some Aquaman illustrations to Photoshop into a disparaging demotivational poster, and needless to say, I wasn't laughing when I got a load of this costume. Best Aquaman costume ever!
According to the poster, these were taken for a calender that never came to fruition, which is a shame, as I would sooo have bought one of those. Do yourself a favor and check out the rest of the gallery below.
"Aquaman in front of a black screen - taken by a good friend and talented photographer - Jason Hampton. Shot D*C 2008."
Aquaman shoot, late this summer for a Charity calender that never came to be.
Top is made from cloth, gold hot glue, and brass scale-mail. Bottoms made out of spandex - trident (can be seen in other shots) made by an awesome friend