Lie to me Temporary Tattoo from Ian Leino
So, I finally took the plunge and got a tattoo. It's the aperture science logo from Portal, but I wound up getting it because it was the best looking representation of a camera's aperture blades that I could find... So, now I'm inked, heh.
Via: DeviantArt
Via: Flickr
Via: DeviantArt
Via: DeviantArt
My REAL tattoos. the picture looks like they are a little off (because of my cell phone...) but I assure you they are the exact EXACT image of the portal 0 in the portal logo. one blue one orange.. obviously.
Via: DeviantArt
Lol, I thought a dedicated couple could quite enjoy having such tattoos, especially if they were a gamer... Who knows maybe their wedding vows would be "And I promise that my cake will never be a lie."
Via: Flickr
Via: Geeky Tattoos
Via: DeviantArt