Source: understandmia
this is my harry potter tattoo, it is chapter art from the third book which is my favorite. I’ve loved harry potter since as long as I can remember and it holds a lot of meaning to me.
Source: Tattoo by Elisabethlightly
Source: Psycho Plan Tattoo Studio
Source: FY Harry Potter Tattoos
Designed myself… I wanted something different than just the same old DH logo everyone gets so I took out the line in the middle and put in the HP letters. I got it done on August 21, 2010 (I was 17) on my right wrist. It took about an hour and a half and I love it so much omg <333 I look at it every day and go omg I am so fucking cool~ I get looks and judgements all the time but lol whatever haters I will never regret it.
Source: thealmightylizzay
Can’t believe I’ve never posted this before!
I really do have the most badass tattoos I’ve ever seen :)
Source: heatheryoureallyneedtoseethis
Source: Sarah Saunders via Show Off Your Harry Potter Tattoos
My 1st Harry Potter tattto. LOVE IT!!!!! I have been waiting forever to get it. "I've had enough trouble for a lifetime" - Harry Potter book 7!!!!