Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gallery: More Snitch Tattoos

In honor of the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, here is a follow-up to last year's popular gallery of Snitch Tattoos.

Source: kelleeb

My friend Candi turned 18 a few days ago, and as everyone usually does, decided to get a tattoo. She decided to get the golden snitch from the Harry Potter books to symbolize her love for the series as well as for the meaning of the "I open at the close" quote. I think it turned out very well.

Source: Chris Hold

My golden snitch. This is my fourth and favourite tattoo. I have always wanted a Harry Potter tattoo, but it seemed to me that everything had already been done. I found four thousand ‘snitch’ tattoos that all looked exactly the same. I decided to get it in a mason jar because to me it represents capturing all of the beauty and dreams in my life.

Done by Nathan Palmer, Truth and Triumph Dayton Ohio.

Source: FYeahTattoos

The picture was taken in sort of funny lighting but I’m Ruth and this is my Golden Snitch. I just turned 18 in February but I’ve always known I want my first tattoo to be Harry Potter related. I’ve grown up with the series and it’s been my entire childhood. It means so much to me. People always tell me I won’t like it in forty years or how many ever, but I know that’s not true. Harry Potter has been such a huge part of my life that I know my Snitch will always mean a whole fucking ton to me. And it’s so artistic and amazingly done that it will look great forever. My tattoo will never lose meaning to me :)

Done by Lucky at Artful Dodger Tattoo on Capitol Hill in Seattle. TOTALLY RECOMMEND. Anyone at that shop is amazing but I especially recommend Lucky (he owns the shop too!). He’s an incredible artist and so nice. Plus a huge nerd so he loved doing a Harry Potter tattoo for me.

I got this on my 18th birthday. It is a Golden Snitch designed by Jennifer Greener and then Tattooed by Dawn at Sacred Symbols. I got this because I love Harry Potter, and have since my parents first bought me Sorcerer’s Stone in 1998. It is something I will always love and always reread.

Source: HarryGinny
For my 200th post, I’m showing off my 2nd tattoo!

Source: Rimma via MuggleSpace 

This is my Snitch. :)